A Fun Saturday, Celebrating a Friend's Birthday!


Yesterday, we enjoyed the beautiful Fall colors, and the ever appearing Christmas lights.  Such is the beauty of it still being Fall, but nearing Christmas time, and I'm loving it!

We celebrated our friend, Bobbie's, birthday.  We had a girl's day out...Bree, Bobbie, and I got our nails done.  Then Justin, Bree, Troy, me, Bobbie, and Steve went out for a nice dinner and we did some shopping.

I loved walking along the streets of downtown, taking in the Fall air (that was rather warm for this time of year), seeing the Christmas lights, laughing with our family and friends, and celebrating one of my best friends. 

We tried a new restaurant, that wasn't too high priced, and was great food.  We laughed.  We made memories.  It was awesome!

Then, on this Sunday morning, I'm still looking at my awesome toenails, as I have my morning coffee!

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