Writing What's On My Heart...



So, Sunday is Valentine's Day.  It's the day we are supposed to celebrate love, although love should be celebrated all year long (and the people I share life with try to do just that...celebrate our love for one another all year long).  So, anyhow, today, I write.  I write what's on my heart and what's on my mind and I seal it up in an envelope and I'll give it to my guy on Valentine's Day (this will be no surprise to him as I usually do this each year, it's something he probably expects...the gifts will be a surprise to him though).  

As I sit and write the words that are only for his eyes to see though...I think of how do I put into words our life that we share, how do I put into words the days that are not only mine and his but ours together that I am so grateful for, and how do I put into words the love I have for this man?  The truth is, I don't.  My actions have to be my words...all year long, and oh, how I try to show my love for him each day.  Not only that I love him, but that I am in love with him!

So, I'll write my love note inside this card...different words, with the same meaning as every other year.  My daily words of love to him though are the actions I show every single day.  Earlier this week my love was spoken through the simple act of making him soup when he was sick, his love for me is shown through him helping me complete tasks when my to-do list seems a little bit too much.  This is how we really speak love.  Not only by doing things for one another (but that too...it shows we care), but also by the simple way we hold hands in the middle of the store aisle (yes, after 15 years of marriage, we are still that couple), or the simple phone call during the middle of the day just to say "hey."  These are the things that a Valentine's card will never be able to hold, but are written on my heart and are written in our day-to-day, by our actions.

Anyhow, I am writing in this card...I'm writing what needs to be written, and then I'll celebrate Valentine's Day with my husband every single day for the rest of my life!

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