Our Morning Conversations


Sometimes, these are the moments I cherish the most out of the whole day.  I love starting my day this way.  I say my morning prayers, crawl out of bed, get ready for the day, and before we head out the door to work and school...we take a few minutes just to talk.  We talk about our day ahead, what's happened during the week, just this and that, but we take the time to talk, and I love this time!

Troy and I even had a chance to talk while I had coffee, and he had breakfast this morning!

Morning conversations with this one...over breakfast, and before time for school...those times we make for conversation before the sometimes craziness of the day sets in...I cherish these times!  :)

Awesome start to an awesome day!  Steaming hot coffee in my cup while I listen to Troy talk about tests he has had at school this week.  Morning conversations with the kiddos before work and school are awesome!

Upon finishing breakfast and our morning conversations, I noticed there is a little morning frost as I start the vehicle to take the kids to school this morning.

Life...the sometimes craziness of our schedules, the bumps and the bruises, the happy times, and the times we cherish...all of it...I love sharing it with these people God has blessed me with.  I love starting and finishing each day with them!

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