Happy Easter 2015!


This Easter weekend has been filled with family, friends, laughter, smiles, and Jesus. It's been filled with memories of Easters past and new memories have been made. My heart is happy!

This Easter, I remembered past Easters from when I was a kid when I would hunt Easter eggs with my cousins at my Granny's house. I also remembered when my parents and my brother would hide Easter eggs for me at our house, when I was growing up. Then there were memories of my grown-up Easters. The ones where my parents have been able to watch the kids hunt Easter eggs. I remember one year my parents came over to our house so that we could celebrate Easter together. They loved watching the kids hunt Easter eggs. Last year, we also spent Easter with Mom, my brother, his wife, and their son. We grilled and took family pictures last Easter. It was my Mom's last Easter on this Earth. It was such a special time for all of us to celebrate Easter together!

I'm thankful today and everyday for what Easter means. It means Salvation and life everlasting. I hope to one day see my parents in Heaven, that will be incredibly awesome to see them pain free and not have a time limit on our days.

What Jesus has did for all of us is incredible. It's amazing to think of the Lord's love for us. I'm so glad and I'm so thankful that Jesus arose...He is Risen!

We had a great church service today. There was great food later in the evening at home. The memories that have been made will last us a lifetime.

As we colored eggs last night we talked of Jesus and how great the Lord is. He is the Reason for this Season...He is the Reason for this Holiday. I'm thankful for the Reason we celebrate it!










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