Christmas 2017


2017-12-25 11.03.52 1

Merry Christmas! Am I REALLY saying that? Is it December 25th already? Crazy stuff! This year, this season has been filled with ups and downs, but we've been so blessed, and I'm so blessed by our home and the people we share life with. It's been crazy busy, I've missed my parents like crazy, and it seems like we've been pulled in all kinds of directions this season (which I'm honestly not crazy about).

What I am crazy about though is the special times we're sharing, the memories we're making, and most definitely the true meaning of this Season.

We gathered here and visited with some very close friends that we have on the 22nd of this month. We celebrated Christmas and made more memories.

2017-12-22 10.12.27 1

On the 23rd we visited my brother and his family. We reflected on memories and looked at photos from past years. We made more memories. We had Christmas breakfast.

2017-12-23 12.16.47 2

2017-12-23 02.11.57 1

2017-12-25 08.01.29 1

And now. Now, it's Christmas.

We're visiting my husband's family today. We're making more memories.

2017-12-25 11.03.52 1

2017-12-25 09.47.48 1

2017-12-25 05.06.36 1

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