This Winter Weather, Though!


The animals are loving it, for sure. So am I! It feels almost like a Spring day. The sun is out, and our daughter is feeling better, since her whole passing out situation yesterday. She now has a cold, but that's still much better than the situation yesterday, so things are starting to look brighter. Her test results even came back normal. While we would love to know what caused her to pass out, we may never know, and if we don't that's okay, because the Lord knows and I'm certain He has this in His hands, I'm trusting in Him for this (as in all things).
My husband did a huge speech today, in a huge conference room for hundreds of men at work. He was anxious, and he did so well. I'm getting to see him speak next week, and I'm so excited for the opportunity. He's coming home this evening from an overnight stay yesterday, and I am a happy wife, for sure. Sure. Our daughter has a cold. But. She's getting better. There is sunshine in the sky today. Today was a busy day at work. My husband's speech turned out well. I spotted my son having fun with the neighborhood friends this evening after the school and workday had ended. Things are looking great! And. I'm blessed! So very blessed! abeautifulwinterdayjanuary31st2017

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