Hello, 2017.


2017, it came in as fast as lightning, and it continues to go just as fast. We are now on the 10th day of January, and I am just now catching up on this blog of mine. I mean. Where does time even go?
happynewyears2017 New Years Day involved us going to Church, and the weather being in the 50s. It was a time when we could open our doors (even if just for a moment, because our zoo animals will try to enter otherwise), and enjoy the fresh air (although that quickly changed, as we now have snow on the ground).  

Since we're into the new year, things around our place have been pretty normal (and a little bit chaotic). We've been continuing to enjoy the life of this small farm we have.


I think no matter the size of our farm, I will always have an appreciation for farm life.


We now have a new ram. We are hoping to expect more lambs by the Spring.


And, now (as of the end of last week into today), we have snow on the ground.


I don't think our Maisy knows whether to like it or not. She will walk out on the porch and turn around to come back in before her feet even make it off of the porch a lot of times.

So we've been sitting by the fireplace... snowdaysaremeanttobespentinfrontofthefireplacejanuary7th2017-0216

And, we've been eating homemade chili and cornbread.


Then, today. Today, Breann went to see the orthodontist. Apparently they think she needs braces. Life in the midst of chaos. I choose to see my blessings. I'm blessed by this beautiful girl, and her beautiful smile!

And, these are other photos I've taken over the last week or so. Well, since New Years that I will just post right here.

happynewyear2017 happynewyearwewenttochurchandnowenjoyingsomefreshairasitsinthe50sjanuary1st2017-0228 wegotaramonnewyearsevephototakenjanuary2nd2017-0222 wegotaramonnewyearsevephototakenjanuary2nd2017bw-0231 asnowysaturdayismadeforchili2january7th2017-0238 asnowysaturdayjanuary7th2017-0222


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