May Already


As I sit here having my Peaches and Cream Oatmeal with my coffee, I realize that it's May.  The first of May.  This year sure is going by fast!

In a little over a month our kids will be out of school for the Summer.  Breann will be in 9th grade, and Troy will be in 7th grade (his last year in the elementary school building).  Where does time go?

Sometimes life is crazy busy.  Just like this morning, I've already did two loads of laundry, took Breann to school early so she could get caught up on make-up work (from when she missed school one day due to her being sick), turned around took Troy to school a few minutes after that, and now I'm getting ready to go to work.  And, it's just now 9AM as I am typing this!  Yes, life sometimes is crazy busy, but it's fun with these people who are my family.  It's fun to share life with them, and I'm soaking up every moment of it.  

I'm excited for the adventures May will bring!  I'm excited to share these adventures (whatever they may be, no matter how big or small) with my family and friends.  May already?  Well, hello, May!  :)

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