

So, Christmas has done came and gone, and I'm just now finding myself writing about it. Sometimes. Sometimes, life is crazy busy, and well, now, I have that time to write. So here we go!
You see. Christmas. It's not just about celebrating the birth of Jesus one day for me. I celebrate Him all year long.  But there was time spent with family and friends, a Christmas tree and our place that was all decorated, Christmas cards, Christmas gifts, and there were memories made. 
Breann received a gift that will be an experience turned into a memory for her. You see, in February. She and I will be going to New York. It will be just the two of us, a girls trip. We will see a Broadway play, we will tour the city, and we will make memories. Hopefully memories that she can tell her kids and grandkids one day. 
Troy received a new iPhone that he's been asking for (for what seems like ages for us both)!
Justin got an iPad.  That is something he wanted, and I remembered. 
I got a cookware set, that our daughter remembered I said I liked a long time ago. And I also got a new laptop. And. I got time with these people God has blessed me with. How awesome!

We also had Christmas at work.  We exchanged gifts, had the Ugly/Tacky Sweater day, and even did a Christmas Eve breakfast when Sheri, Christina, and I worked for half a day on Christmas Eve morning.  We figured if we were working at all on Christmas Eve we was going to try to make the most of it, so we had breakfast!


celebratingchristmasatwork2016dec23Then.  The day before Christmas Eve we actually exchanged gifts at work (since some didn't have to work on Christmas Eve), and Christina gave us this candy bar, and socks (which are so really comfortable, by the way).   Anyhow.  A candy bar turned snowman made out of the candy bar and socks.  How adorable, right!


 But Jesus. Jesus. He is the reason for all of this. And I celebrate Him. I celebrate His birth. I celebrate all He's done for me. I'm so blessed. I'm so thankful!

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