And. We Have Four New Creatures.



Our daughter is driving. It's no secret that we've struggled with this. We want to keep our kiddos safe, so we haven't been letting her go farther than the nearest town.sothekidswentshoppingandbreanngotfish08082017-0560

Then. Today. She calls me and her dad at work, and asks if she can drive and take her and her brother shopping. This would be at least a 30 minute drive for her. We struggled, but said yes. We trusted in the Lord to keep them safe (and He did) and they had a great time.sothekidswentshoppingandbreanngotfish08082017-0556

But. They brought four living creatures home. They must take asking for forgiveness before asking for permission after their dad, because he's always saying "it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission." He's joking (usually), but evidently they take this advice to heart! Four new fish are in that bowl.




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