Breann Turns 16


 Our Breann.  Today, you turn 16.  Where has time gone?


I'm amazed at the person you have become and the one you are becoming.  You are strong, confident, beautiful, and you're one of my very best friends.  I'm so thankful to be your Mom.

Today, since your Dad is out of town on work, we will still celebrate.  We will still act like today is your birthday, because it is, and life doesn't stand still.  Your dad is still going to be a part of the day though.  We will FaceTime him.

We, of course, already gave you a car for your birthday a few weeks or so ago, but we still are going to celebrate your day!

We're going to light a candle ontop of your pancakes, and that is how you will begin your day.


 You'll then go into school late, because you only turn 16 once!  Then we will have you flowers and a balloon that says "Sweet 16" at school!


You'll then come home to pizza and Troy will light a candle on your cupcake.  Then, when your dad gets home we will go out to dinner to celebrate your birthday even  more!


As you blow out your candles this 16th year know that you are so very special to us.  You always have been and you always will be.  You've been a blessing to us ever since we knew we were expecting to have you in our lives.  Our days are brighter because you are in them. You are awesomely and wonderfully made!


Happy Birthday!  We love you!

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