My Birthday 2015


2015-07-08 08.21.08 1
My Birthday: A Camping Trip at Anchor Down RV Resort, Coffee, Justin went and got me Donuts, and Bree and I went and toured "The Titanic" Museum in Pigeon Forge, while Justin and Troy rode the Go Karts.
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2015-07-08 11.36.18 1
Oh...about our tour of "The Titanic," well...
2015-07-08 08.19.25 1
For a little while today, Bree and I were different people. We boarded "The Titanic" as Augusta Lindblom (Bree) and Amelia Lemore (me). Okay, we weren't really different people, we just represented them at this great museum. Bree's person did not survive the wreckage, my person did...yes, we found out during our tour what happened to the people whom we held the "Boarding Passes" for. Upon seeing the wall with the survivors listed, I discovered the person who I represented was an Optometrist, who married a black dude who ended up leaving her husbandless. We loved walking the "Grand Staircase." The Captain told some incredible stories (so incredible, I bought his book), and Bree and I will remember this birthday of mine for the rest of our lives. Oh! And...I was secretly happy that upon viewing our "Boarding Passes," I found that each of the people we represented were older than I am now. Maybe...just maybe turning 29 (again) isn't so old after all! I'm not really that old now that I think about it! 
 From the "Boarding Passes," to the maid greeting us at the bottom of the "Grand Staircase," and seeing Bree smile from ear to ear as the maid said to her as she walked in, "Welcome, Madam," from Bree's conversation with the maid who told her how expensive the linoleum floor at the entrance of the staircase was back in the time the ship was built (now, it's not so expensive), and even to the necklace Bree got...memories were made. Justin and I have taken this tour of "The Titanic" before, but Bree hadn't. I'm happy me and her got to do this. Seeing her eyes light up with the appreciation she had of the history was awesome! 
 Happy Birthday to Me!  :)

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