That's the place where I'm at right now. I've been struggling for some several months now with whether to keep my calendar full of things to do or to let go of some things and just be still. First and foremost, I'm a daughter of the King, I'm a wife, a Mom, and the list goes on. I am a housewife (yes, I've come to decide that you can still be a housewife and work a full-time job, that may be another journal entry/blog post at a later date), I work a full-time job in addition to being a housewife, and I'm a sheep farmer.
Anyhow, in addition to all of those hats (listed above), I also found myself juggling a photography business. It was hard too! To make time for all of that. I was finding myself doing all of that, and I felt drained. Then, I felt that the Lord kept showing me back to this Bible verse:
Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. -Psalm 46:10
"Be still" being the key words here for me. I was making time for all of this other stuff, but I wasn't having enough time to spend with the Lord. I felt like I had very little to no free time, which is not the way life is meant to be. There should always be room for the Lord, and there should always be space to catch your breath.
So, for this reason, I knew it was time (no matter how much I struggled) to lay aside a few things. I've set aside my photography business. I can still have photography projects as time allows (after all, I love documenting our days), just not the business side of it, and I also can still encourage others on their faith walk (which I also managed a website to help in doing that, and have since closed it down, to better manage my time and more effectively manage my own faith walk and sharing the Good News as the Lord would have me to). I feel in my heart that this is the right decision for me, and it's what the Lord is having me to do!
My creative projects will more be poured into this website here at Our Lifelong Stories, as time allows.
My biggest fear was after I made the decision to do all of this was would I wake up the next morning and regret it, and the answer is that I don't. I feel at peace, and I feel happier. This makes me even more sure that the Lord's hand is in this.
It's all about priorities. I can still be creative, I just don't have to have a business to do it (after all I already help run our farm and I also work a full-time job). I can still tell others about Jesus, I just don't have to do it with a website.
Jesus is in this decision, I feel it in my heart! Sometimes, we just have to be still, and let Him move.