Just wanted to share since hunting season has came and gone one more time.
Seems like most of us spend so much time on the relentless pursuit of that "Trophy" buck. Day in and day out during hunting season we sit, we wait, we freeze to death LoL in hopes to get that 2 second moment that will be forever remembered. For some, the anticipation of that moment will become reality, others will close their season out with just a little bit of deer meat in the freezer if they're lucky. This year was a little different for me. Maybe it's because I'm getting older or maybe it's because I'm realizing that my son is getting older and I have to grab ahold of these moments every time the opportunity presents itself. You see, we didn't get that monster buck this year, in fact it took 6 days of tough hunting to get a shot at this doe
but after all was said and done, in the moment that I was taking this picture I realized that the entire week spent with this little guy and a dear friend was truly that "Trophy" that I had been chasing.