A Whole Lot of Newness!



That's how I would explain my life right now. A whole lot of newness...by that I mean, there is a lot of new things happening. Things I've never had happen before.

Sure, we still have the everyday, ordinary things...


Then, there are these new things happening. Some may think of "the firsts" with their kids at the time they're babies and toddlers...first tooth, first word, first step, etc. However, you see, "the firsts" go even beyond that. Like their "first" 7th grade dance/prom to celebrate the end of them being in the elementary school building and walking into the great big high school building next year. In reality, the high school is probably about the same size as the elementary school, but in a way, just because it is high school it seems SO MUCH BIGGER!


Another first for us. We are now Sheep Farmers!



Among all of the newness, there has still been the ordinary, and yet, still extraordinary things.

Like Sunday lunch with the family after Church.


And, like dinners made and ate around our dinner table...


Among all of the newness, among all of the firsts, there are still the everyday kind of moments too. Each are appreciated in their own way. We're also definitely excited about this new adventure we're on!

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